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Sliding Table Saws Great For Special Projects

by Leroy Calstard

In the world of woodworking, furniture building and light construction there are many different saws available. Which saw is chosen for a particular job depends on what type of wood is used, what kind of cuts are being made and, of course, what kind of woodworking project is at hand. As most people know, just about every saw will make a clean straight cut if it is sharp and if it is used in the correct manner. But using the proper saw in a certain situation can make all the difference.

Table saws of the larger size, such as those used by an experienced amateur and the professional, can be used to cut sheets of plywood and framing lumber for new construction. But this saw certainly is not the best for trying to follow a scroll pattern. Both of these saws are available in bench models, but the similarity ends there.

Anatomy of A Table Saw

A table saw is separated, by definition, because of the table on which it is used. This platform is a cutting surface that comes in various heights and sizes. In the workshop of a professional the floor model table saw is used for larger projects, usually to cut longer, straight lines and to produce cut lumber in larger amounts. This type of saw is also made in smaller sizes and may be found in home workshops and in the shops of professionals who concentrate on smaller projects. One of the key features of these small saws is portability.

When researching or buying table saws it is best to understand a few of the key features, such as the handle or arm on some saws that can be adjusted and moved to make cuts. Other saws are designed to tilt or change angles for mitre cuts and other special needs on trim, moulding or decorative work. There are even sliding table saws used by some for particular cuts and special projects.

Interchangeable blades are a key benefit of most table saws as well, allowing for use on different woods and on different projects. The course blade is used for particular types of wood and types of cut, while the finer blades may be used for smaller projects and finish work. The variety of blades available from saw manufacturers has increased dramatically over the past couple of decades. Table saw blades are available for special projects such as cutting tile or small stone, with water often introduced to reduce heat and help the cutting. Some saws and blades are even used to cut metal.

Table saws have a guide or “fence” that is the primary way of keeping the wood and the cut in line. Most experienced saw users will look closely at the fence or guide system when shopping for a table saw, because this will determine the quality of cut made. In addition, a good guide system can reduce the amount of labor and stress on the operator.

Professionals and experienced amateurs also take a long look at the motor size and construction since this is the heart of any good power saw. The best reviews of are unsolicited. The Web is a good place to look for blogs and forums that can help someone choose a good table saw. Following the advice of those with experience, plus choosing a reputable manufacturer, will generally lead to the purchase of a quality table saw.

About the Author:
Leroy Calstard often produces long articles on issues related to general table saw. You might come across his writings on portable table saw over at http://www.insidewoodworking.com


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posted by SEAGAMES 2009 @ 5:00 PM,


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